Solar Company

It’s time to stop renting expensive electricity every month. Let us install a solar system on your home or business to generate clean energy and reap long-term financial benefits while helping protect the environment. Since Aion Solar Company is here, commercial and residential solar energy services are now readily available in your city of Lafayette, LA at a reasonable price. Installing a solar system is a brilliant investment that saves homeowners thousands of dollars in household electricity costs while increasing property value. It is also beneficial for the environment by lowering your carbon footprint and improving local air quality. So get in touch with us to find out more about solar system pricing and how you can save money by producing your own solar power.

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    Go Solar in Lafayette

    High Energy Usage

    Electricity customers in Lafayette, LA, spend an average of $191 per month, which translates to $2,292 per year. In the same city, the average electricity rate is 11 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). So that means you can expect to pay $57,200 in energy costs over the next 25 years.

    You can lower your electricity bill by reducing the cost of electricity, such as by installing a solar system. Installing a solar system will typically pay for itself in 11.83 years in Lafayette City. During that time, you will owe nothing on your electricity bills. So install a solar system now or pay thousands of dollars in years to come

    Ideal Sunlight in Lafayette

    Lafayette, Louisiana, has approximately 217 sunny days per year. That’s 12 days more than the national rate, making Lafayette the ideal for solar. Despite plenty of sunlight, only 0.36 percent of Louisiana’s electricity now comes from solar energy, indicating that city residents and business owners have a lot of po Because Lafayette receives so much sunlight, your solar panel installation will be able to generate enough energy to power your entire home or business, thus lowering your electricity costs. Contact us now to see how we can help you save money on your electricity bills in the long run.

    Residential and
    Commercial Services

    Residential Services

    Panel Cleaning


    System Extension

    System Installation

    System Emergency

    Regular Maintenance

    Commercial Services

    System Installation


    Estimation and Engineering

    Finance and ESCO Solutions

    Assurance of Project Quality

    Maintenance and Operations

    Policy and Regulatory Engagement

    Studies on Feasibility and Suitability

    Analysis and Design of Facility Energy


    Solar Energy Over Other Energy Source

    Electricity customers in Lafayette, LA, spend an average of $191 per month, which translates to $2,292 per year. In the same city, the average electricity rate is 11 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh). So that means you can expect to pay $57,200 in energy costs over the next 25 years.
    You can lower your electricity bill by reducing the cost of electricity, such as by installing a solar system. Installing a solar system will typically pay for itself in 11.83 years in Lafayette City. During that time, you will owe nothing on your electricity bills. So install a solar system now or pay thousands of dollars in years to come


    1. Consultation

    This starts with your personalized offer and on-site site survey. We provide a full study of your system architecture, cost and savings advantage (including relevant tax credits and rebates), performance estimate, energy offset, preferable solar panel and other products, completion timeframe, and financing alternatives.

    2. Permitting

    Allow us to handle the paperwork. Aion Solar handles all approvals for your new solar panel installation, including utility interconnection agreements, municipal construction and electrical permits, net-metering applications, and rebate incentive documentation.

    3. Permitting Installation

    Our NABCEP-certified teams create solutions that are focused on craftsmanship while causing the least amount of disruption to your schedule. We do not outsource any aspect of the solar installation procedure. Rest confident that every team member on your work is a full-time, thoroughly trained Aion Solar employee. Allow us to handle all aspects of your solar panel installation in the finest way.

    4. PermittingMonitoring

    Complete customer service implies that we are completely committed to your solar panel system for the duration of its life. Aion Solar monitors performance to guarantee that your panels produce the maximum amount of energy each day. We address any issues that arise. Furthermore, your new system contains a web-based tool that allows you to track your solar power savings in real time.


    Why Choose Aion Solar

    Our Promise to You

    We have a dedication to excellence and community as an old Solar installation company in Lafayette, New Orleans, Orlando, Miami, and Tampa. We provide high-quality products, workmanship, and service. Our highly trained, certified, and experienced crew specializes in sophisticated solar energy installations to help residents and businesses in the area produce clean energy.

    Aion Solar

    From our offices in Lafayette, New Orleans, Orlando, Miami, and Tampa, Aion Solar installs, monitors, and services residential and commercial solar systems. We are a certified solar company, which means our knowledgeable staff will assist you in taking advantage of all federal and local solar incentives and rebates. So get in touch with your local Aion Solar company to get all possible benefits.

    A Local Company You Can Trust

    We have a dedication to excellence and community as an old Solar installation company in Lafayette, New Orleans, Orlando, Miami, and Tampa. We provide high-quality products, workmanship, and service. Our highly trained, certified, and experienced crew specializes in sophisticated solar energy installations to help residents and businesses in the area produce clean energy.

    See What

    Our Clients
    Have to Say


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Florida's net metering policy allows you to send any excess electricity your solar panels produce back to the grid. In return, you receive credits on your utility bill. This means that the surplus isn't wasted during sunny days if your panels produce more power than you use. Instead, it reduces your future electricity bills, maximizing your solar investment.
    Yes, Orlando residents can benefit from various state and local solar incentives. Aside from the federal solar tax credit, Florida offers a sales tax exemption for solar energy systems and a property tax exemption, ensuring that the added value of a solar installation won't increase your property taxes.
    Orlando's climate is ideal for solar panels. With an average of over 230 sunny days a year, the city provides ample sunlight for efficient solar energy production. Plus, modern solar panels are designed to perform well even on cloudy days, ensuring consistent energy generation throughout the year.
    The exact payback period can vary based on the size of your system, your energy consumption, and the specific incentives you qualify for. However, given Orlando's sunny climate and available incentives, many homeowners recoup their investment in as little as 7-10 years, with significant savings after that.
    Absolutely. Solar panels are designed to meet rigorous industry standards, including the ability to withstand high wind loads. When properly installed, they can endure the conditions brought about by Florida's hurricanes. Additionally, many solar providers offer warranties and guarantees for added peace of mind.
    Standard solar panel systems are grid-tied, meaning they shut off during power outages to ensure the safety of utility workers fixing the grid. However, if you have a solar battery storage system, you can store excess energy and use it during power outages, ensuring uninterrupted power supply.

    Get Started
    in 3 Easy Steps

    Send us your information, and we’ll contact you to set up an appointment.

    An electric expert will visit you at your home or office.

    You will receive a personalized proposal that includes system size, design, price, financing, and savings.

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