Solar Company

As solar panel technology progresses, systems become more efficient, cost-effective, and long-lasting than their predecessors. Switching to solar has a hugely positive environmental impact. American homeowners consume approximately 1100 kWh per month to power their households. When you go solar, you lower your high-cost electricity use as well as your household’s CO2 emissions.
If financed, our solar energy system may cost the same as your current electric bill or less while providing you with a permanent power supply. If you choose to finance when we analyze possibilities for your house, we can show you numerous financing options and what your monthly payment will be for solar. So give Richmond solar installers a call today to find out how a solar system can help you save a lot of money.

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    Go Solar in Richmond

    High-Priced Electricity

    Electricity consumers in Richmond pay roughly $193 per month on average. This amounts to $2,316 each year. The average electric tariff in Richmond is 14 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), which indicates that the average energy consumption in Richmond uses 1,350 kWh per month and 16,200 kWh per year.

    In Richmond, you should expect to pay $74,400 in energy costs over the next 25 years. You can lower your electricity bill by using less energy or by lowering the cost of your energy, such as by putting in a solar system. If you install a solar system, you will typically break even in 11.11 years in Richmond, at which point you may owe nothing on your electric costs.

    Good Sunshine in Richmond

    Richmond has 210 sunny days each year on normal. The average number of sunny days in the United States is 205. That implies that the sunshine in Richmond is suitable for solar systems to provide a large amount of free, safe, and sustainable energy. All of that sunlight will be converted into electricity by the Richmond solar installation experts, which will power your businesses and homes for years to come.

    You can also sell extra energy to your city's power grid, which will save you thousands of dollars in the long run. As a result, solar panels can be the best solution for you. So contact us right away to find out how our Richmond solar company can help you save money on your electric bills while also protecting the atmosphere.

    Solar System is Affordable

    Solar energy systems have become more economical and available as technology has advanced. This, combined with government tax credit programs, makes now an excellent time to invest in solar. We all have utility bills. Why not put your power company fees toward owning your own power in a solar energy system instead?

    You will earn even more if you go solar in 2022! If you pay taxes, you may be eligible for a 30% federal tax credit for owners who install solar panels. You can use these tax credits to fund your project or put them back into your pocket. We may also go over the additional local and federal programs you may be eligible for if you transition to solar.

    Take Control of your Electricity

    When you made the transition from renting to owning your own home, you began to invest in yourself and your future. The same can be said for going solar. You can continue to pay the power company for all of the kWhs your home uses, or you can invest in a solar energy system that generates kWhs for you. The solar system has a fixed cost, and there is no expense for the system to produce kWhs. Once the system has been paid for, every kWh generated by the solar system is free to you.

    Our Easy
    Process for You!

    Site Survey

    An Aion Solar Site Technician will come to measure, review, and finish the designs we discussed before.

    Design Review

    Richmond solar panels team will follow up to discuss any modifications or changes to our initial strategy and ensure you are satisfied with the outcome.


    Richmond solar installers will deal with the city's permitting and documentation. We'll notify you once everything is in order.


    The average installation will take around a day, but all we need is for you to be there to let Richmond solar installation team in.


    Richmond solar company will schedule the inspection after your system is installed. A representative will come by to confirm that the new system is compliant.

    Utility Connection

    We'll work with your utility to connect you. Your system will be connected to the grid by the utility.

    Why Choose Aion Solar?

    When you work with Aion Solar, you’re not just selecting someone to install your solar panels; you’re also selecting your solar partner. Aion Solar is a national solar company that will walk you through the entire process. This includes any repairs required for your solar panels or energy system.


    At the end of the day, we desire to be the most trusted solar installer in your area, so we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today for a free quote, and rest assured that your project is in capable hands with Aion Solar!


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Every home is unique. Consider the following questions when deciding the number of solar panels your home requires: How much electricity do I require? Examine your electric bills to see how many kilowatt hours (kWh) you use each year. During your free solar consultation, we'll go over this in-depth with you to determine how much power your panels will need to produce.
    We can create a unique solar system that is the proper size for your home based on your historical electricity usage. Electricity use varies from person to person and season to season. That is why we require your electricity bills in order to design a system that is appropriate for you.
    Installing a home solar system, like any other improvement, can boost the value of your home and make it more appealing to potential purchasers. According to a 2019 survey, homes with solar panels sell for 4.1% more than those without solar panels.

    Get Started
    in 3 Easy Steps

    Send us your information, and we’ll contact you to set up an appointment.

    An electric expert will visit you at your home or office.

    You will receive a personalized proposal that includes system size, design, price, financing, and savings.

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